
Record:                      CD - Ross Mitchell Band & Singers, Gold Latin 2, 1996

Choreographer:         Schmidt

Rhythm/Phase:         TS, II +1 Rock The Boat

Speed:                        43                                                                                   


Sequence:   INTRO   A   A   B   END                                                                              M -4%


INTRO           (OP/FCG)   Wait 2;;  Apt & Pt;   Tog Tch no hnds;


PART A          Solo Left Trng Box to SCP;;;;

2 Fwd Twos;;   2 Trng Twos to BFLY;; 

Vine 3 & Tch;   Wrap;   Unwrap;   Chg SDs in 3;

Vine 3 & Tch;   Wrap;   Unwrap;   Chg SDs in 3;

Circle Away 2 Two-Steps;;   Circle Tog;;   Lace Up;;;;            1. Fcg ptr no hnds

                                                                                                                                2. to SCP

PART B         Dbl Hitch;;   2 Fwd Twos;;

Slow Rk the Boat Twice;;   Hitch 4;   Scoot 4;  


END               Circle Away 2 Two-Steps;;   Circle Tog;;   2 Fwd Twos;;   

Sciss Thru to RLOD;   Apart & Point to RLOD (wrong foot);